Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tea on Tuesday and Making Flowers

I'm up early and getting right to it today.  The sun is shining, it's going to be a lovely day!
My tea is acai berry, I love the colour and aroma!  Goes perfectly with making flowers.
I'll have to finish my buttered-up raison cinnamon bagel first  :)

I spent a wee bit of time yesterday, cuting these out, but it took almost an hour to curl the edges over the candle--but I was talking on the phone, love multi-tasking  :)
I think I'll use pearls on most of them but I got out a bunch of brads, my bead container, Mom's old button box and needle and thread.  I'll post the results when finished.
There are many sites and you-tube videos on making flowers. But I saw them on Gabrielle's blog  http://gabriellepollacco.blogspot.com/   She does a tutorial for them and does a beautiful job of using them on her scrap pages!

Join us for Tea on Tuesday over at Kimmies blog  http://artinredwagons.blogspot.com/


  1. Another link to investigate- thanks!!! Your petals are so pretty. You do keep busy!! Drop by for tea if you get a chance!

  2. Love your pretty petals and I admire you being able to multi task when fire is involved ;)
    I finally used a tool to hold the petals as I kept singeing my fingertips LOL

    I am off to check out the link, thank you
    and a very Happy T Tuesday to you

  3. Looks like the makings for lovely flowers...they always take more time than we think don't they? Happy day to you!

  4. what you're making flowers? you turd. now i want to make flowers, hehe.
    I am the biggest copycat you will ever meet.
    Related: I SWEAR I didn't see the post before now and I see that you made an arch book.
    I am making my very ever first gothic arch today.

    So, basically, that makes me a stalker.


  5. oo those look cheery!! your tea looks nummy too...yum happy t day!!

  6. Looks like you started big today with tea and buttery bagel. Now I must check out the link you provided so I can see what I'm missing. Guess I could wait until you finish, but that would take all the mystery out of things. Hope you are having a great Tea Tuesday.

  7. Thanks for the link as I love to make flowers of all kinds for all different projects. Happy tea day!

  8. Hi Nancy, happy Tuesday Tea to you. I haven't done a tea post today but thought I would pop over and see what you tea girls are up to. That bagel sounds delicious, and all those petals. I love the look of these soft fabric blooms, have no idea how to make them so thanks for the info. I'm off to see how its done and can't wait to see yours when you have finished them. Have a lovely day.

  9. I love multi tasking as well...I'm good at it in the morning but but later in the day my mind can't keep up.

  10. Talking on the phone while making flowers is a sweet way to spend some time! Your tea sounds really good .... And might be fun to dip some flowers into it to pinkify them :)

  11. They are fun to make arent they!! Thanks for the sweet plug for my blogsite hon! Gabi xx
