"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." Anais Nin

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lemon T Day

Good Tuesday Morning Everyone :) I would like to Thank You all for coming to comment at by blog! I don't always get a chance to reply :)

Today I'm having hot Lemon water.  A refreshing thing to have and apparently healthy too, according to a nice lady on the Marilyn Denis show  :)  I've been watching a few of her shows and quite like them.   I use real lemons as often as I can, using my trusty lemon/lime squeezer.  I try to divide the lemon into about four sections--not because I'm thrifty, but because I don't like it too tart :)

My lemon squeezer was part of a Christmas gift last year and it makes squeezing so easy and you get the most out of your lemon or lime.

This is what I've worked on the past couple of weeks :) among other things too, of course. 
I'm a huge Diana Gabaldon's Outlander fan! I've read the first book, my personal favourite, eight times! And I'm loving the show on TV.

There's a link to my Paper Crafting facebook page if you'd like to check out what I play around at :)

If you would like to join us for T Tuesday, check out our hostess' site here to see who is doing what today :)  Elizabeth and Bleubeard at:  



  1. Hi Nancy, thanks for sharing your hot lemon tea water and a fun lemon press! I'm not much into kitchen gadgets myself, they take up too much space that I don't have, but it would certainly be useful and save your hands from smelling like lemons all week! Happy T-day!

  2. I didn't know there was a show for Outlander. It took me a bit to get into that book but once I did I couldn't set it down.
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Hi Halle :) the Outlander show is a mini series right now--just on the first book and I hear it is a couple of weeks ahead of us in the States.

  3. Gosh Nancy, I feel like an idiot. I've neither heard of the show or the book Outlander. Could it be a Canadian show that doesn't appear in the US?

    Nice to see you also have a lemon squeezer. Mine is more old fashioned than that, so I like yours although I'm not sure I'd be able to manipulate it. And it has the perfect lemon color, too.

    You asked about my doily. I can proudly say my Grandmother crocheted it many years ago.

    Thanks for sharing your lemon water, your lovely, lovely art, and your lemon squeezer with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth :) your doily is a keeper for sure then!
      Outlander is historical fiction, some time travel and romance that takes place in Scotland---if you can call living in the 1700's romantic :)

  4. LIke the pieces you created a lot. I've not started the Outlander series yet, I'm tempted though. Maybe when winter actually arrives.


  5. I love hot lemon water- cold lemon water too!
    thanks for your kind words.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. I am an Outlander fan too. I haven't read the books, but haven't missed an episode on TV yet. I think it is one of the best "new" series on TV right now.

    Great works of art this week Nancy, very "Outlander" too!

  7. Truly gorgeous collages! a fresh lemon sounds very good right about now, maybe in some tea...I think I need one of those lemon squeezers. :) happy T day!

  8. Lemon does sound nice. Most definitely hot! Love your collages and happy T day

  9. I've never owned a lemon squeezer. Fresh lemon water is delicious, but I don't like it too strong, either. Happy T-Day! :)

  10. Lovely collages and fresh lemons are always good!
